Mega and Movi not working

I need a little input from everyone on this one:

I’m using a Arduino Mega 2560 with this configuration:
SDA/SCL for the RTC.
ESP32 attached on Serial3.
Nextion HMI touch screen on Serial2.
Movi using software serial on D10/D11.

When the Movi code is added into the sketch, I lose connectivity to the ESP32 on Serial3. When it’s removed, everything works fine.

Movi is supposed to be pins 10/11 using software serial, but it’s causing interference on Serial3.

Any ideas how to get around it??

A note. The Movi is still wired to use pin 10+11.

I have a couple of comments that may help. I am not familiar with SDA.SCL for the RTC. I have used in the past a couple of RTC’s and their libraries, the ds3231 and the ds1307. For those I also used the Wire.h and RTClib.h libraries in the sketch.

I have found sometimes it is necessary on complicated projects with a lot of i/o going on it is necessary to change the i/o from D10/D11 to other digital pins to communicate with the clock.

If you use those two libraries I mentioned, I have found sometimes it is necessary to edit the libraries in order to change their default values. It use a mac and edit with Xcode. Other editors will probably work.
