All worked until I did not receive a response

Today I started using MOVI !
I found a few similar issues on the forum, but nothing about not giving a response and no light!? So here is my situation with too much verbiage I guess.

I was successful in getting MOVI installed and connected to my MEGA, I loaded up the beginner “light” sketch verified and loaded my Arduino with it. Powered on with a 12 v supply, I heard a voice saying “MOVEE” booting… you know the rest. I said Arduino and received 2 - “beeps”, said “let there be light” - 2 “beeps”, well, then NOTHING happened.

I did not receive the response “and there was…” and the LED I put between gnd and pin 13 did not light! (yes, the LED was connected correctly).

So folks, I must have done something wrong!!! Any great suggestions that will help? I am very suspicious about the fact I did not get a response, but that’s all !?

p.s. Tomorrow I will switch from a MEGA to an UNO and see…

Well, well, I did something wrong… No surprise here!!

All was connected correctly, however, I did not double check my connections :-{. The LED was loose so I put a bit of a bend in each leg reinserted the LED and magically everything works as advertised :slight_smile:

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