MOVI stopped working suspect SD card

I bought MOVI got it going and love it. BUT I wrote some .wav files to the SD card and MOVI stopped working.

No I blew I did not backup SD card.

Wrote company few days ago but have not heard back.

I am on windows 10 latest version higher version than one suggested.

I want to make an presentation of MOVI a client to put in a product but without a working version that is no good.

What do I do?

Willing to pay for SD card replacement.


SD cards are board specific. You would have to contact us for a new board.

I did email them but never heard back. eventually returned to amazon for replacement.

Sorry that happened to you. Amazon works too though.


Hi, I have countered to a similar problem. MOVI worked fine for a moment with a 9V battery as power supply but I got carried away with the fun and flow I had. MOVI started to reboot itself repeatedly because lack of power from the battery and I disconnected the battery. Should have used 230AC to 9DC current from the start.

After that MOVI hasn’t worked properly since because even with the microphone debug on and using internal or external mic MOVI does not playback any sound from microphone. I inspected the MOVI shield itself and saw no damage or anything other similar weird so I wanted to check the SD card. MOVI does boot and respond from speaker and I can upload new code with new callsigns/sentences and MOVI trains normally.

I made an image backup from the original and made the updated version as documented. Once I started to write the updated image and not the backup back to the SD card the process stopped at error in about 39% complaining about information could not be written further. Same result with the old image.

Is there any documents or guides how to make a brand new SD card compatible with MOVI or how to try fix the original SD card. I haven’t changed the partitions in it and only updated the image how it was documented in slow and safe way (also tried the fast way afterwards but with the same result).

Thanks in advance!

I got a similar problem and I’m assuming it’s a SD card as well. Has anyone found out a solution to fixing the SD card?